一、期刊论文: 1、Chen RY, Xu XD*, Chen A, Zhang XN. How to disseminate reliable waiting time in app-based transportation services considering attractiveness and credibility. Transportmetrica A-Transport Science. 2022. DOI: 10.1080/23249935.2022.2077857 (SCI/SSCI检索,中科院分区2022升级版:工程技术,2区) 2、Chen RY, Xu XD*, Chen A, Yang C. A conservative expected travel time approach for traffic information dissemination under uncertainty. Transportmetrica B-Transport Dynamics. 2022, 11(01): 211-230(SCI/SSCI检索,中科院分区2022升级版:工程技术,2区) 3、陈瑞雅, 许项东*. 基于L-偏度和L-峰度的行程时间可变性表征方法. 中国公路学报. 2022, 35(10): 254-267. (EI检索,中国科技期刊卓越行动计划梯队期刊) 4、Zang ZQ, Xu XD*, Qu K, Chen RY, Chen A. Travel time reliability in transportation networks: A review of methodological developments. Transportation Research Part C-Emerging Technologies. 2022, 143. DOI: 10.1016/j.trc.2022.103866 (综述论文,SCI检索,中科院分区2022升级版:工程技术,1区) 5、李建强, 陈瑞雅*. 注意瞬脱效应对驾驶安全性影响的ERP试验研究. 中国安全科学学报. 2018, 28(08): 13-18. (CSCD收录,中国科技期刊卓越行动计划梯队期刊) 6、Guo ZZ, Chen RY, Liu X, Zhao GZ*, Zheng Y, Gong ML, et al. The impairing effects of mental fatigue on response inhibition: An ERP study. Plos One. 2018, 13(6). (SCI/SSCI检索,中科院分区2018基础版:综合性期刊,3区) 7、Guo ZZ, Chen RY, Zhang K, Pan YR, Wu JH*. The impairing effect of mental fatigue on visual sustained attention under monotonous multi-object visual attention task in long durations: An Event-Related Potential Based Study. Plos One. 2016, 11(9). (SCI/SSCI检索,中科院分区2016基础版:综合性期刊,3区) 二、国际会议: 8、Chen RY, Xu XD, Chen A. A Conservative Expected Value Approach for Travel Time Variability Information Dissemination. 11th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability. 2019, Hong Kong, China. 9、Chen RY, Xu XD. Tail - Oriented Modelling of Travel Time Variability: A Piecewise Distribution Based on Generalized Pareto Distribution. World Transport Convention 2024. 2024, Qingdao, China. 三、专利和软件著作权 10、许项东, 陈瑞雅. 一种基于 Copula 的行程时间分布预测方法及系统. 申请号: 2023103171383. 11、许项东, 陈瑞雅. 道路交通网络随机行程时间表征与信息发布计算软件. 登记号: 2023SR0811290. |