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硕士生导师 - 魏福星

2024-11-25  点击:[]

魏福星,男,四川达州人,校聘教授,博士,硕士生导师,昆明理工大学高层次引进人才。2024年毕业于大连理工大学动力机械及工程专业,获工学博士学位。在国外高水平期刊发表SCI论文20余篇,其中SCI中科院一区TOP论文6篇。参与国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金面上项目和各类校企合作科研项目6项。担任Energy、Journal of Cleaner Production、Fuel、International Journal of Hydrogen Energy等多个期刊审稿人。


魏福星 校聘教授









[1]FX Wei, Y Wang, H Tian, et al. Visualization study on lean combustion characteristics of the premixed methanol by the jet   ignition of an ignition chamber [J]. Fuel, 2022, 308: 122001.(SCI一区 TOP, IF=8.035)

[2]FX Wei, P Wang, JL Cao, et al. Visualization investigation of jet ignition ammonia-methanol by an ignition chamber fueled H2. [J]. Fuel 2023,349:128658SCI一区 TOP, IF=8.035

[3]FX Wei, MF Lu, WQ Long, et al.Optical experiment study on Ammonia/Methanol mixture combustion performance  induced by methanol jet ignition in a constant volume combustion bomb[J]. Fuel 2023,352:129090SCI一区 TOP, IF=8.035

[4]FX Wei, QM Wang, JL Cao, et al.Experimental study of the ignition chamber with accelerating cavity applying to methanol lean combustion[J]. Fuel 2024,355:129358SCI一区 TOP, IF=8.035

[5]CM Gong , FX Wei, XK Si , et al. Effects of injection timing of methanol and LPG proportion on cold start characteristics of SI methanol engine with LPG enriched port injection under cycle-by-cycle control [J]. Energy, 2018, 144:54-60.(SCI一区   TOP, IF=8.857)

[6]CM Gong, XK Si, K Wang, FX Wei*, et al. Numerical analysis of carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and unburned methanol emissions with ozone addition from a direct-injection spark-ignition methanol engine [J]. Energy, 2018, 144:432-442.SCI一区 TOP, IF=8.857

[7]JL CaoDS DongFX Wei*, et al.Investigation on jet controlled diffusion combustion (JCDC) mode applied on a marine large-bore two-stroke engine Journal of Cleaner Production2023SCI一区 TOP, IF=11.1

[8]QM Wang, FX Wei, PB Dong, et al. Visualization study on combustion characteristics of direct-injected hydrous methanol   ignited by diesel in a constant volume combustion chamber [J]. Fuel 2023,335:127063SCI一区 TOP, IF=8.857

[9]DS Dong, FX Wei, WQ Long, et al. Optical investigation of ammonia rich combustion based on methanol jet ignition by    means of an ignition chamber Fuel, 2023, 345: 128202.SCI一区 TOP, IF=8.857

[10]MF Lu, DS Dong, FX Wei, et al. Chemical mechanism of ammonia-methanol combustion and chemical reaction kinetics   analysis for different methanol blends [J]. Fuel, 2023, 341: 127697.SCI一区 TOP, IF=8.857

[11]DS Dong, R Wang, FX Wei, et al. Development of high power density diesel engine with heat insulation coating Part AApplication of ultra-high pressure fuel injection [J]. Journal of Energy Engineering SCI四区, IF=1.961


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